MAKING YOUR FOOD EXPERIENCE COUNT photo credit: flickr We live in a world where memories fades away quickly at the advent of a new one. The luxury of moments are now being shattered by the awakening of another. But with food still existing, memories will last Okay, as you all know am a foodie to the core and I pledged my allegiance. Even though I have few other tricks to create lasting memories, I still prefer to go through the food route. Now food will never let you down, not when you share it with people that matters. CREATE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMENT : This one you likely want to do in sweet times like birthdays. Now, the moment is not in the food itself, it is in the timing.You know that moment when you just wake somebody up at around 12 midnight of his or her birthday with a cake and candle lighted up, singing the happy birthday song (and not minding the voice). This trick can be said to be one of the sweetest lasting memories ever created. photo credit: Brain...