HOW PREPARE COCONUT RICE. Except for those who are allergic to nuts or dont like coconuts for their personal reasons, coconut rice is one recipe that is cherished by all. I for one like coconut rice and I can be cooking it daily, if not for the stress of grating and juicing out the the milk from the nuts. And to relieve of going through that stress,one can now buy already extracted, packaged coconut milk or powder which can be add to work and voila your coconut rice is on it way. PREP TIME: 20 mins COOK TIME: 30 mins SERVE: 4 cups DIFFICULTY: Easy INGREDIENTS. The milk of three medium sized coconuts (about three cups). 3 cups of parboiled Rice. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. 2 cubes of Knorr seasoning. Half tablespoons of salt. A medium sized onion (diced) Half cup of diced carrots. Half cup of sliced green beans. Half cup of sliced green peppers. A full table...